Ordering a COSIMA license

Please test Cosima thoroughly, before you buy licenses!

The cosima order page is temporarily down (sorry). If you like to order COSIMA (fee is 99€),
please provide the following information:

  • email address
  • family name
  • first name
  • 1. username
  • 2. username
  • payment method (bank transfer or paypal)

    and send this information to cosima@herbig-3d.de.

    If you are unsure about your username:
    - Either: install Cosima, then go to: Help - Licensing Cosima... and read off your username
    - Or: type "set username" into a command shell (Win+R, then "cmd")

    For further assist, please mail.

    Right of cancellation:
    The customer has the unconditioned right of cancelling the
    order up to the time, when the license key has been
    sended. For declaration an order cancellation it is
    sufficient to send an email to cosima@herbig-3d.de.
    So far payed money will be payed back without any reduces.
    Only the bank fees (e.g. PayPal fees) have to be carried
    by the customer. Because a customer specifically build
    license key cannot given back from it's nature,
    an order cancelling is not possibly after the moment
    of sending the license keys.

    After reception of your order you get a confirmation with details of the payment
    transactions, normally not later than 24h, at latest after 2 days.

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