General Parameters

VerboseMode (/VM=1)

Range of values [0,1,2]
Controls text output at the console:
0: No output to the monitor.
1: The summary and some few steps are indicated on the monitor.
2: Somewhat more detailed information are indicated on the monitor.

ReportMode (/RM=1)

Range of values [0-5]
Controls the writing of report files:
0: No report files are created.
1: Produces new report files cosima_report.txt and cosima_report.html at the end of the process.
2: This will continue to append to already existing report files.
3: Produces new txt- and html-report files with an included time stamp (yyyy: year, mm: month, dd: day, hh: hour, mm: minute, ss: second).
4: Produces new txt- and html-report files with an included 'name' stamp. For processed images, the name of the path (PathofImages) will be used and for processed videos, the name of the video file.
5: This will continue to append to already existing report files with name stamp (as 4).
Note: The reportfile will be created in the PathofImages. According to the preview images for the html report please see Parameter HtmlImages.

ProjectionRatio (/PJ=0)

Range of values [0-5]
Controls some messages of the report depending on the projection ratio:
0,1: No special projection ratio will be assumed.
2: A projection width-to-height ratio of 4:3 is assumed.
The relative deviation stamped into the file name (see parameter StampFiles) refers independent of the width-to-height ratio of the image content now on the the width of the projected image.
As identifier for this reference the shorthand symbols "(4;3)" are added to the file name.
3: A projection width-to-height ratio of 16:10 is assumed.
The relative deviation stamped into the file name (see parameter StampFiles) refers independent of the width-to-height ratio of the image content now on the the width of the projected image.
As identifier for this reference the shorthand symbols "(16;10)" are added to the file name.
4: A projection width-to-height ratio of 16:9 is assumed.
The relative deviation stamped into the file name (see parameter StampFiles) refers independent of the width-to-height ratio of the image content now on the the width of the projected image.
As identifier for this reference the shorthand symbols "(16;9)" are added to the file name.
5: A projection width-to-height ratio of 2048:1080 is assumed.
The relative deviation stamped into the file name (see parameter StampFiles) refers independent of the width-to-height ratio of the image content now on the the width of the projected image.
As identifier for this reference the shorthand symbols "(Kino)" are added to the file name.

HtmlImages (/HI=1)

Range of values [0-4]
Controls the use of the preview images in the html report:
0: The html report doesn't include any images.
1: Uses the images, which are created with LeftRightOutput.
2: Uses the images, which are created with StereoOutput.
3: Uses the images, which are created with AnaglyphOutput.
4: Creates new thumbnails in the subdirectory '\ct' below PathofImages and uses them.
If the settings of LeftRightOutput, StereoOutput or AnaglyphOutput are deactivated and this leads to contradictions, HtmlImages will be incremented as long, as all contradictions are solved.
If Outputformat = 2,3,5,6, no option HtmlImage = 1,2,3 is possible.

Language (/LG=1)

Wertebereich [0,1]
Legt die Sprache aller Meldungen fest:
0: Ausgabe in Deutsch
1: Ausgabe in Englisch

IterativeWarp (/IW=10)

Range of values [1,20]
Number of iterations for the image correction:
With IterativeWarp, the maximum number of iterationen loops can be set. Images with only easy distortions (most images) need only one iteration, thus IterativeWarp = 1. With stronger trapezoid distortions in combination with rotations usually 4-5 iterationen are enough. After at least 20 iterationen the process breaks off however. The process also breaks off, if at the same time 0.5 pixels of height error, 0.1% of size error, 0.1 degrees of rotation error and 0.1 degrees of vergence error are reached (vergence errors result from non-parallel shooting axes).

StopAtError (/SE=1)

Range of values [0-3]
Controls the stopping behaviour. Usually, it's difficult to read all warnings and errors. With StopAtError you have better control of the program with unforeseen error events:
0: No stop at all.
1: Will only pause with error reports during the start-up of the program.
2: Will pause also with warnings and errors concerning the parameters.
3: Will pause with all warnings and errors during the whole run.

WriteDataBase (/DB=2)

Range of values [0-2]
Controls the writing of the file list ListofImages. This file contents a list of all corrected images together with the correction values (only with license key). These correction values can be reused with InputMode = 10.
0: The database cosima_files.txt won't be written.
1: The program will only write the file ListofImages and will then terminate.
2: A new file ListofImages will be written and will replace older files.

ListofImages (/LI=cosima_files.txt)

Range of values: characters
Filename of the list of images, which will be created in PathofImages with WriteDataBase = 1/2.