
AnaglyphType (/AT=5)

Range of values [0-9]
Selection of anaglyph method:
0: Pure anaglyph images with only two fundamental colors.
1: Anaglyph images with some added true colors.
2: Truecolor anaglyphs (only recommended for exeptional cases).
3: Anaglyphs with optimized color space without any compromises due to cross coupling.
4: Anaglyphs with optimized color space with some added true colors.
5: Algorithm according Eric Dubois (best colors, some compromises due to ghosting)
6: Simplified real-time calibration method for ghostfree anaglyphs using the monitor. The calibration values are read from the file anacalibra_monitor.txt. For evaluating the calibration values, the Cosima PostViewer must be used.
7: Complex anaglyph calibration method for ghostfree anaglyph prints. The calibration values are read from the file anacalibra_print.txt. For evaluating the calibration values, please use Cosima Gui and look for menu Parameters - Anaglyph Calibration Wizard.
8: After calculating the image correction, a window Cosima Anaglyph Matrix opens to set the anaglyph parameters. The result can be directly tracked in real time. When finished, a matrix file ECM_FileName will be written and used immediately.
9: An existing matrix file ECM_FileName will be evaluated for computing the anaglyph image.

Structure of the matrix file ECM_FileName:
     left_red->red       left_green->red       left_blue->red 
     left_red->green     left_green->green     left_blue->green
     left_red->blue      left_green->blue      left_blue->blue

     right_red->red      right_green->red      right_blue->red 
     right_red->green    right_green->green    right_blue->green
     right_red->blue     right_green->blue     right_blue->blue

     input-gamma_red     input-gamma_green     input-gamma_blue
     output-gamma_red    output-gamma_green    output-gamma_blue

Brightness (/BN=1.0)

Range of values [0.0, 2.0] pixel
Anaglyph brightness. Parameter to influence the brightness of the anaglyphs.
1.0: neutral, values < 1 will darken the image, values > 1 makes it lighter.
Attention:: This parameter will only be sonsidered with AnaglyphType = 0/1/2/3/4/5!

DensityAna (/DN=1.0)

Range of values [0.0, 2.0]
Anaglyph contrast. Parameter to influence the density of the anaglyphs.
1.0: neutral, values < 1 will enhance the contrast, values > 1 makes it lower.
Attention:: This parameter will only be sonsidered with AnaglyphType = 0/1/2/3/4/5!

GammaRed (/GR=0.8)

Range of values [0.0, 2.0]
Parameter to balance out brightness differences of the two colors of the anaglyph image. Values > 1 darkens the red color. (0.8 will be adequate for red-cyan anaglyphs.)
Attention:: This parameter will only be sonsidered with AnaglyphType = 0/1/2/3/4/5!

GammaCyan (/GC=1.0)

Range of values [0.0, 2.0]
Parameter to balance out brightness differences of the two colors of the anaglyph image. Values > 1 darkens the cyan color. (1.0 will be adequate for red-cyan anaglyphs.)
Attention:: This parameter will only be sonsidered with AnaglyphType = 0/1/2/3/4/5!

RedBalance (/RB=-1.0)

Range of values [-1.0, 1.0]
Parameter to shift the red color into the left or right channel:
-1.0: red color in left channel
0.0: red color not used for anaglyph image
+1.0: red color in right channel
Attention:: This parameter will only be sonsidered with AnaglyphType = 0/1!

GreenBalance (/GB=1.0)

Range of values [-1.0, 1.0]
Parameter to shift the green color into the left or right channel:
-1.0: green color in left channel
0.0: green color not used for anaglyph image
+1.0: green color in right channel
Attention:: This parameter will only be sonsidered with AnaglyphType = 0/1!

BlueBalance (/BB=1.0)

Range of values [-1.0, 1.0]
Parameter to shift the blue color into the left or right channel:
-1.0: blue color in left channel
0.0: blue color not used for anaglyph image
+1.0: blue color in right channel
Attention:: This parameter will only be sonsidered with AnaglyphType = 0/1!
Example for RedBalance, GreenBalance and BlueBalance:
Anaglyph type RedBalance GreenBalance BlueBalance
rot-cyan -1 +1 +1
rot-blau -1 0 +1
rot-grĂ¼n -1 +1 0
gelb-blau -1 -1 +1